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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Converse X Bike in Japan

Converse Japan makes Bicycles...go back and read that again if you need to.  There have been a lot of products that sport the Converse name and logo over the years, but this is something way out of left field.  You can find out more at Converse Bike the website.  The white wheels ads a nice little touch that I think is pretty eye catching.  Anyway, you can judge for yourself with the pictures below.


Thanks for checking out the blog and remember to follow along on twitter @TheConverseBlog and on Facebook too.  Also I'm still taking submissions for an upcoming post, what would you do if you ran Converse for a day. I've gotten some really great responses and I'm looking forward to some more. Hit me up at with your ideas.

1 comment:

RJ said...

Hey did you see the catalog for basketball uniforms?
Converse USA needs to a page from the Converse of Japan.